Treadmill is your answer to pandemic-induced health woes, some are foldable too

Last Published on Jan 07, 2022 15:43 IST


Bring home a treadmill and start running or walking to say goodbye to pandemic-induced health woes. Many of them are foldable too, which is particularly good for those who have a space constraint at home.  

It has been more than a year now that the world has been plagued by the coronavirus pandemic. India has been battling this disease since early 2020. As work from home and study from home became a reality, what also became a reality was our collective lack of exercise. Walking and running for instance were just not possible. Low physical activity has then translated into a dip in health parameters, the most obvious being weight gain. This has a bearing on other health parameters such as blood pressure and heart diseases. 

Hence, the need of the hour is to invest in some equipment that allows us to do exercises at home. That too may be a challenge for many as many urban households struggle with space at home. However, if that is not a struggle for you and you came make some room then investing in a good treadmill is a good idea.

Walking and running are among the most basic workouts that give us maximum benefit. Walking ensures we stay away from heart diseases, improves blood circulation, brings up the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart. Similarly, running helps build strong bones, strengthens muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness.

In case, we have convinced you to go in for one, online platforms are a great place to pick one up from. We have curated a list that you might find useful. Read on.

1) Lifelong FitPro LLTM09


This motorized treadmill with manual incline is ideal for home users. It comes with a maximum speed of 10 km per hour and has 12 preset workouts, meant for weight loss training and endurance training. The machine has comfortable cell cushioning technology with eight rubber pads under deck for shock absorption. This helps joints by giving them the support they deserve, making workouts comfortable and recovery fast. The rubber surface is anti-skid and comes with high-density belt and eight shock-absorbers. It can take a maximum user weight of 90 kg.


2) Cockatoo CTM-05 1.5 HP - 2HP Peak DC Motorized Treadmill for Home


This motorized treadmill has three-level manual incline with a maximum speed of 14 kilometers per hour. Its technical feature include ability to measure time, speed, distance, calorie, pulse and fat measures. Its running surface (length and breadth) is 43.3" by  15.3". The maximum weight it can take is is 90 kg, (running 70 kg an walking 90 kg).


3) Sparnod Fitness STH-1200 (3 HP Peak) Automatic Treadmill


To all those space-starved urban dwellers, worry not. Treadmills are also available that can be folded. This machine is one such and what's more is that can be installed without a technician's help. You do have the facility of a video call assistance. This machine supports a maximum weight of 100 kgs. The makers, however, recommend that we pick a machine with an extra 25 kg in weight as the load increases on running.  This machine comes with a maximum speed limit of 12 km per hour. It also has 12 pre-set programmes to choose different workouts.  Time, distance and calories for customized workouts, however, come with manual mode settings.


4) MAXPRO PTM405 2HP(4 HP Peak) Folding Treadmill


This motorized running machine comes with an LCD display and mobile phone holder and is perfect for home use. This too can be installed by the user and has video call assistance as well. It has 3-level manual incline for intense workout. It has a maximum speed limit of 14 km per hour and 12 pre-set programmes.


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