The love of a woman for handbags is universally known. They don't buy handbags; they hoard them. Handbags is their one statement accessory which women don't like to step without. For they are not just used to store their personal articles, but also help them make a fashion and style statement every time they step out. Since the collection of handbags need a constant upgrade, we have shortlisted some of the most stylish handbags which are in vogue and super utilitarian.
Take a look at some of the most affordable and classy bags:
1. Fristo Women's Handbag (FRB-315_Red)
This cherry-coloured bag has three compartments and two pockets. It also has a zipper to keep your belongings safe and secure. The material it is made from is synthetic. The sturdy bag looks gorgeous and comes with one year warranty. It makes for a good choice to carry along on semi-casual and casual outings.
2. Mammon Women's Stylish Handbags
This bag comes with ample storage space. The sturdy bag is made from synthetic material. It comes with a zip and two shoulder straps for you to carry it easily. It is best-suited for office, as you can pack all the work and personal essentials conveniently.
3. Lavie Extra Large Malnov Women’s Tote Bag
It is a durable, lightweight and super spacious bag. This vegan leather bag is available in many textures and many striking and soothing colours. It has two slip pockets and one zip pocket in the inside, and one zipper on the outside. You can carry this stylish and sturdy bag when going out for a casual outing, or even to fancy dinners. It looks great with every type of attire - be it traditional or western - because of the unique appeal it has.
4. Lapis O Lupo Women Vegan Leather Handbags
With the outer material made from leatherette (Faux leather), and the inner material made from polyester, this bag makes for an excellent buy. It comes with a zipper and an adjustable strap. It allows you to compartmentalize, as it has four compartments and two zip pockets.
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