Whether you're a man or a woman, you will agree that when it comes to bag options, a backpack is always the most preferred and sought-after one. They allow for great hands-free experience. Duffle bags are also popular type of bags when it comes to travelling. These two types of bags are a must-have in your collection of bags. No matter whether you are a college goer, a student or a professional, we all need these aforementioned bags for different purposes.
One must always opt for bags after being totally satisfied with the quality of the wheels. The latter should be smooth and make no noise. You can also find USB port feature in the bags. If you're someone who is looking for attractive options in the category, then we suggest you check out our list below that will serve as a buying guide. All the listed options are from Wildcraft. They feature nice prints, come in striking colour options and are spacious enough. The best part is that the back and shoulder straps of these bags are padded - this will facilitate users in lugging the bags around. Scroll down to take a look.
Wildcraft Nylon 18 Inch Black Travel Duffle (Frisbee 2_Black)
This duffle bag is ideal for travel. It is made from nylon material and has a storage capacity of 30 litres. Available in black colour, it features the brand’s logo in the front. A lightweight bag, the material it is made from is also water resistant. Easy to lug around, both men and women can use it.
Wildcraft 44 Ltrs Blaze 3 Bike Top Blue Casual Backpack
This backpack is an attractive-looking bag that can be used for multiple purposes. Available in chic blue colour, this one features a tiger print on the front. It is made from polyester material and comes with a lining of nylon. The material is also water resistant. Besides, both the shoulder straps and back of the back are padded so that the user faces no discomfort or inconvenience in carrying it around.